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Barbell training weight lifting fitness male

The last thing you probably all want to read is another boring “ my fitness “ journey bulls**t read! However, I get it, I used to read these all the times for a little glimmer of motivation! Anyway, one of my big passions in life is fitness, namely that of resistance training and bodybuilding, and any strength endurance in general. The idea of pushing yourself out of a mental landscape of pain like a devote monk, has always appealed to me. Multiply that with the yearning to look good in a t-shirt or naked, and I’ve reached this point!


I take the physical and mental aspect of training and dieting to a different approach. Not a typical textbook PT style. I got the fundamentals down, the love for it, and from there I found the training styles and exercises that responded best to my body. I understand it, as I’ve been there. Only 6 something years ago, I was around 16 stone. I made the decision that it was time to not only lose the weight, but to lose it right, and to gain muscle at the same time (if not but to shove it to all the friends and family members that made light digs at my weight)!. I searched social media and online for methods, training tips, and programmes – only to be bombarded with cliché gym culture, cheesy meaningless motivation videos, and someone who clearly injected steroids into them for the best part of 10 years, telling me what I need to do to get “ shredded “.


I tried free online programmes, I tried new and awkward eating schedules and diet plans – but having a plan to follow to begin with was key. Sadly, these weren’t realistic or specific to what I was wanting to achieve. I got sold a fake idea that I could obtain a certain body type if I followed a certain programme, which was a lie.


My prime mission with The Orcs Den Training, is to cut all of that time out – and provide people with a realistic blueprint, and a step by step training and eating plan that will simply work. Along with personal motivation to keep you going, because we all need that accountability and kick sometimes.


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